DNA Holland Composites present the 2015 A-Cat Worlds! This film showcases the epic battle for first place between Glenn Ashby and Mischa Heemskerk in Punta Ala, Italy - both sailing the ultra fast DNA A-Cat. A-Class catamarans are amongst the fastest single handed racing boats in the world. Most other racing classes are one-design whereas the A-Class is a development class and as a result it has become a pure high-tech boat and outright speed machine. The combination of the use of the latest available performance materials and production processes in the series production of both hulls and masts, as well as innovative sail designs, has allowed the A-Class Catamaran to push the boundaries to the point where it is considered by many as Formula One amongst all sailing craft. Speeds close to 30 knots are already recorded.
Video Producer: Kettle Cinema/ DNA Holland Composites