Searching for Japan's ultimate sailor, SoftBank Team Japan travels to Riviera Zushi Marina to put 20 candidates through rigorous testing, hoping two will have what it takes to join the team in Bermuda. Bring It On!
Video Producer: SoftBank Team Japan
Up Next in 2016
SoftBank Team Japan - Friction Research
Join Softbank Team Japan for a ride during a testing session in their AC45 Sport as you experience the sights and sounds on-the-water in Bermuda!
Video Producer: Softbank Team Japan
2016 America's Cup World Series - Por... makes their way down to the Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series in Portsmouth. These are the qualifying events for the America's Cup that will take place in Bermuda next year. As well as spotting the Red Arrows and brief encounter with the Duke of Edinburgh, our reporter, Ellie Me...
2016 America's Cup World Series - Por...
Spectacular Saturday of the Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series in Portsmouth was brimming with action. Three races took place with thousands of fans watching from the shore. Ben Ainslie Racing suffered in the first race after geting tied up with SoftBank Team Japan only to come back and tak...