It's the 'Young Guns' time to shine in front of the crowds in Bermuda. The Red Bull Youth America's Cup Final - The Brits get off to a great start leading overnight but the Kiwis put in a blistering three out of three wins on the final day. BUT it's not over 'til it's over and Land Rover BAR Academy pull off a spectacular 2nd in the last race to be crowned Champions. © America's Cup TV
Video Producer: VR Sport Media
Up Next in 2017
Land Rover BAR - AC45F yachting in Tr...
The Land Rover BAR Team popped along to the amazing Barcolana Regatta 2017 and enjoyed the hospitality and support from Land Rover Italy for a great few days of AC45F yachting in Trieste. #landroverbarcolana49
Video Producer: Land Rover BAR Team
The Emirates Team New Zealand Story
Up until the 1960’s only two countries, Canada and Great Britain could lay claim to having challenged for the America’s Cup. The unbeatable Americans and a winning streak which had passed ten decades entered the realm of legend drawing out the fighting spirit in sailing nations around the world. ...