The Italian's have launched and started testing their Luna Rossa Prototype in Cagliari. Some could be mistaken that it resembles a 'Harlequin' - a tight fitting costume with brightly coloured triangles and diamonds or its deception with camouflage!
Video Producer: VR Sport Media
Up Next in Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team - 37th AC
The Luna Rossa Prototype - Home Made
How it was born and who is behind the boat designed and built at the Cagliari base. Horacio Carabelli, Head of the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli's design team, coordinates a design pool consisting of 14 departments (naval architecture, mechatronics, structural engineering, VPP, simulator, etc.), each ...
Luna Rossa Pirelli Prada - Design, Si...
The key words in the design of the Luna Rossa prototype (and the future AC75) are: predictions, performance and control. From the hull to the sails, passing by foils, mechatronic software, deck layout and rig, everything must be conceived, built and tested like the pieces of a puzzle. The design ...
Luna Rossa Pirelli Prada - Inside The...
Laminating, painting and installation: the three fundamental steps in the realisation of the prototype for Luna Rossa Pirelli Prada.
Video Producer: Luna Rossa Pirelli Prada