The AC75 foil cant system has been in design for the past six months led by Emirates Team New Zealand Project Manager Peter ‘Brush’ Thomas, with PLC Engineer Ryan Thomas and Carsten Mueller who has led the hydraulic development.
Video Producer: Emirates Team New Zealand
Up Next in Emirates Team New Zealand - 36th AC
Emirates Team NZL Setting Up A New Home
Emirates Team New Zealand are getting ready for the America's Cup 36 and moving home to their new HQ.
Video Producer: Emirates Team New Zealand
Emirates Team NZL - A-CAT Training In...
Ray Davies, Peter Burling, Blair Tuke camped out at Glenn Ashby’s place with a week of intense A-Class training in preparation for the 2018 A-Cat World Championships.
Video Producer: Emirates Team New Zealand
Emirates Team NZL - Warming Up For 20...
A-Cat racing for Peter Burling, Glenn Ashby and Blair Tuke in Australia, warming up for the Sail Hervey Bay A-Cat Worlds with the Australian A-Cat Championships.
Video Producer: Emirates Team New Zealand