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2015 Australian O'pen Cup!

3m 10s

Up Next in 2015

  • 2015 Moth Worlds Showreel

    The 2015 International Moth Worlds were held over January at Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club. The event was sailed in some of the toughest conditions to date with mega crashes and insanely fast sailing taking place throughout. Here is the Moth Worlds through Ben Hartnett's lens. Congratulations ...

  • Australia's Summer of Sail 2015

    Over late December through to mid January the Youth classes of Australia hold their National Champs at various locations in one state. However for 2015, Freemantle Sailing Club was the hub for the 420 Nationals, Optimist Nationals and the National Youth Championships. This is a little highlight r...

  • The Tour of Comanche with Ken Read

    Ben & Rob Hartnett were fortunate enough to have a tour of Jim and Kristy's 100ft weapon "Comanche". Here is Ken taking them around the boat and showing Comanche in a perspective that isn't seen by most. It's a long video, one of the longest Ben has made, however this is because everything Ken sa...