Adventure seekers Tom Hebert and Reno Romeu travel to the end of the earth as they discover Cocos Island - remote territory of Australia. Navigating the raw, pure island bursting with life, they take to the deserted windy waters for some expression sessions that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Video Producer: North Kiteboarding
Up Next in 2018
Team Rietman White Nacra 17
Promo video for Tayla Reitman and Lachie White as they begin their campaign in the crazy fast Nacra 17.
Video Producer: Hartnett Media
Viper 640 World Championships 2018 - ...
The Viper 640 2018 World Champs was 'Down Under' hosted by South of Perth Yacht Club where sailors from Australia, GBR, USA, Canada and South Africa competed for the title. Catch up with Day One.
Video Producer: SkyWorks WA
Viper 640 World Championships 2018 - ...
Catch up with Day Two of the Viper 640 2018 World Champs was 'Down Under' hosted by South of Perth Yacht Club where sailors from Australia, GBR, USA, Canada and South Africa competed for the title.
Video Producer: SkyWorks WA