The Flying Phantom Series was hosted by the City of Hamburg and Red Bull Racing Team dominated winning their third Act in succession. The rest of the fleet keep pushing them throughout the regatta and everyone is pumped for the next regatta in Cardiff.
Video Producer: VR Sport Media
Up Next in 2017
Extreme Sailing Series - Act 5, Hambu...
Take a look at the highlights from the Day One at Extreme Sailing Series Act 5, Hamburg. With no scoring racing held today, the sailors review their season so far, with all left to play for in Act 5, Hamburg, presented by Land Rover.
Video Producer: OC Sport
Extreme Sailing Series - Act 5, Hambu...
Take a look at the highlights from the Day Two at Extreme Sailing Series Act 5, Hamburg. The first day of scoring racing on Hamburg's River Elbe. Oman Air was champion of the day with Land Rover BAR Academy and NZ Extreme Sailing Team following up in second and third.
Video Producer: OC Sport
Extreme Sailing Series - Act 5, Hambu...
Take a look at the highlights from the Day Three at Extreme Sailing Series Act 5, Hamburg. Oman Air maintained its lead while Red Bull Sailing Team climbed from bottom of the table to second after seven nail-biting races.
Video Producer: OC Sport