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Cabrinha Kitesurf Collection 2016

1m 7s

Up Next in 2016

  • Cabrinha 2016 Double Agent

    Technical overview of Cabrinha's Double Agent (Foil Board). Performance hydrofoil board with the ability to convert into a fun surf skate directional by simply taking off the foil shaft and wings and attaching the included surf fins. Start flying in well under 10 knots.

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    Wrapped around the idea that limits are nothing more than lines drawn in the sand, begging to be erased, Cabrinha Films brings you the best kiting footage from Maui to Morroco and the shores of Tarifa featuring their new 2016 gear. Starring many of the Cabrinha Team including Pete Cabrinha, Keahi...

  • Solitude

    People always ask me why I choose to live on Fuerteventura. Check out this video and you will see why! There are a few days a year where the wind is so light that no one else tries to get on the water at Flag Beach. I really enjoy these days on my Foilboard. I have our beautiful spot all to mysel...