  • Downwind
    2 seasons


    2 seasons

    Paddling with the wind at your back on the open water with high winds and big swells - popular with competitions between the Hawaiian islands e.g. Maui to Molokai.

  • Foil
    5 seasons


    5 seasons

    Stand Up Paddling didn't want to be left out on the foiling experience - hydrofoil or foil board lifts out of the water and allows you to glide at higher speeds. Laird Hamilton, surfing legend, was instrumental in the start of flying over the water on a board.

  • Race
    6 seasons


    6 seasons

    One paddle, board and the elements - whether it's a flat water straight line, downwind on the open sea between islands or short course sprinting to the finish after crashing through the surf. It's addictive and involves lots of stamina.

  • Touring
    6 seasons


    6 seasons

    Gentle relaxation paddling down a meandering river through the countryside or the canals of a major city - it's all about enjoying the sights and sounds at a leisurely pace on the water.

  • Wave
    8 seasons


    8 seasons

    Surfing with a paddle - riding the waves on a long board 'Hanging Ten' or 'slashing' with a short board.